
АО "ЭКСПОЦЕНТР", ИНН 7718033809


MITT 2020 will not take place on the scheduled dates

16 March 2020MITT 2020

Организаторы международной туристической выставки MITT 2020 опубликовали сообщение о том, что мероприятие не состоится в запланированные даты. 

In the context of the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus and unprecedented measures taken by the Government of the Russian Federation, the Russian Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing (Rospotrebnadzor) of the Russian Federation, the Governments of Moscow and the Moscow Region, we, as organizers of the largest international tourism exhibition MITT with the number of visitors of more than 5000 people is clearly affected.

In the past few weeks, we have been working to provide the safest environment for our staff and customers and in line with federal guidelines. We took all possible measures to ensure the sanitary safety of our participants and visitors. But, to our great regret, the situation is developing rapidly and as of today, March 14, has reached a critical level.

As a socially responsible company, we care not only about the business of our participants and visitors, but also about their health. In connection with the above,  MITT will not take place on the scheduled dates March 17-19, 2020 and will postponed to a later date.  We hope for the understanding and support of our participants and visitors.

We express our sincere sympathy and support to those countries that have suffered the most from coronavirus and hope that all common measures taken will normalize the situation.

Новые сроки проведения выставки MITT 2020 на данный момент не анонсированы.

Источник: официальный сайт MITT 2020

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