
ООО "БИЗНЕС ИВЕНТ", ИНН 7709889632


Arts and сulture festival Trade Show News on

UFI the Association of the Exhibition Industry released lastest Global Barometer: festivalization of exhibitions, growing uncertainty

UFI, the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry, released the latest edition of its Global Barometer research, which measures the state of the global exhibition industry. Among the highlights: strong industry performance overall for 2019, but also high uncertainty looking ahead for this year in regions such as Asia-Pacific and Latin America. (Note: This research was conducted before the coronavirus outbreak, which may be impacting outlook.) 13 February 2020

Over 183 thousand attended the Comic Con Russia 2019 pop culture festival and the Igromir 2019 game exhibition in Moscow

From October 3 to 6, the combined event of the Comic Con Russia 2019 festival and the gaming industry exhibition was held at Crocus Expo, 183 thousand people visited, which exceeded the expected attendance of 160-170 thousand. 11 October 2019Comic Con Russia. Осень 2019

Active work to engage with people in the city at art festival — Festival Fringe Edinburgh 2019

Festival Fringe Edinburgh Organizers develop and strengthen their work on interacting with people in the city who were not able to attend the event earlier. In addition, this year a record number of sold tickets for local visitors was 856 541. 02 September 2019Festival Fringe Edinburgh 2020

Barber Connect Russia 2019 is a center of attraction for barbers and tattoo artists with a worldwide reputation

In Moscow, the Barber Connect Russia 2019 festival will take place, combined with the Russian Tattoo Expo from August 31 to September 1. 05 August 2019Barber Connect Russia 2019

Все грани японской культура на фестивале Hinode Power Japan 2018

Крупнейший в России японский фестиваль Hinode Power Japan вновь пройдет на ВДНХ Экспо 25 April 2018

Moscow Comic Convention 2017 представит трехдневную шоу-программу

Moscow Comic Convention 2017 & Cyber World 2017: мир комиксов, аниме и фэнтези на ВДНХ

26 April 2017Moscow Comic Convention 2017

На Hinode 2017 пройдут мастер-классы по традиционным и современным видам японского искусства

Дни Японии на ВДНХ ЭКСПО: путешествие из прошлого в будущее 19 April 2017Hinode 2017

Лучшие ярмарки и фестивали мира

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14 November 2016

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