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Focus on Impact of AI & Robotics

In Process & Factory Automation

Snapshot of
Automation Expo 2023

Unique Visitors




About IED Communications Ltd.

A catalyst for the advancement of technology, serving as a platform and knowledge hub for its growth.

IED Communications Ltd, the publisher of Industrial Automation monthly magazine, is also the force behind India's and Southeast Asia's biggest Automation Industry Exhibition, 'Automation Expo'. With almost 40 years of experience, we've been instrumental in shaping India's Automation landscape through our magazine and the prestigious Automation Expo.

logo of automation expo 2023

Mumbai | 23rd to 26th August 2023

Automation Expo South 2023 Logo

Chennai | 26th to 28th April 2023

Why Exhibit With Us?

Industry Visibility and Brand Exposure:

Showcase your brand, products, and services to a targeted audience, enhancing brand recognition and leaving a lasting impression.

Networking Opportunities

Engage with industry professionals, potential customers, investors, and partners, fostering valuable connections and collaborations that can benefit your business.

Product Launch and Demonstration

Discover new automation technologies, tools, and solutions that can improve your processes and operations.

Market Research and Customer Feedback

Gather firsthand feedback and insights from attendees, helping to refine your products and marketing strategies, and stay informed about market trends and demands.

Lead Generation and Sales Opportunities

Generate high-quality leads and potential customers who are genuinely interested in automation solutions, leading to potential sales and revenue growth.

Educational and Learning Experience

Attend informative seminars, workshops, and presentations to stay updated on industry advancements, enhancing your team's knowledge and expertise.

Unlock Your Future

Exhibit at Automation Expo 2024 and Ignite Innovation

With a rich history spanning 16 editions, Automation Expo has continually evolved, adapting to the ever-changing landscape of industrial automation. Explore the legacy of this esteemed event, where innovation, collaboration, and industry growth have been celebrated year after year. Join us in honoring the past while looking forward to the boundless possibilities of the future at Automation Expo.

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