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2024 Line-up:

Tickets go on sale: 20 July (Friends) & 27 July (General Public)

Friends Membership 2024 
Available Now!

Friends Memberships for 2024 are now available.


Being a Friend is a great way to support our Festival both now and into the future.

Click here for more details

Festival Secures Funding
for 2024 & Beyond!

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We are delighted to announce that we have secured continued sponsorship from The Charlotte Aitken Trust, which goes towards funding our Schools' Week for a further 4 years. 

"The Charlotte Aitken Trust is delighted to continue its association with the Appledore Book Festival, and is particularly happy to sponsor Schools' Week and to increase the annual grant into 2024, enabling such a wonderful and worthwhile local connection with books and authors to be further expanded."

Simon Murray, Charlotte Aitken Trustee


We are incredibly grateful to The Charlotte Aitken Trust for their steadfast support.

Jeremy Bowen

Many of you bought tickets for the Jeremy Bowen event which was called off because of events in the Middle East. We are still hopeful that his event can be rescheduled but we haven’t yet finalised a new date. If you are a ticket holder for this event, please bear with us and we will announce any new date via email, social media and on this website.

If you bought tickets but are unable to attend the rescheduled event, please contact us by email with your name and booking reference and we will be able to arrange a refund for you. Please note that we cannot arrange refunds by phone. Thank you for your support and patience.

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Books At Home

As  a charity we are committed to encouraging children of all ages to read books, opening their minds and inspiring a love of the written word. Building on the experience of the hugely successful Schools Week, we are embarking on an ambitious project whereby each child at an author event will receive a signed book. 

For some children this might be the first book they own.

In the UK 1 in 10 disadvantaged children does not own a book (National Literacy Trust 2022) and in this area 1 in 5 children aged between 5 and 8 years does not have a book of their own at home. 


Please consider donating to this worthy cause

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The opinions expressed by the authors are their own and do not reflect those of the Appledore Book Festival.


Registered Office:

34 Windmill Lane,

Northam, BIDEFORD,

Devon, EX39 1BZ

Telephone: 01237 734730

Registered Charity No. 1171761 Registered Company No. 10016211 (England and Wales)


©2023 by Appledore Book Festival

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