ADEX Beijing Dive Festival 2024

The China (International) Island Tourism & Ocean Sports Expo (ITSEA), in collaboration with Asian Geographic, proudly presents ADEX Beijing Ocean Fiesta 2024, in partnership with the China Craft Beer Festival 2024.

From July 12-14, the grand opening of the China International Exhibition Center (Shunyi Hall) in Beijing will feature enchanting Underwater Dance Competitions, thrilling Underwater Photography Competitions, and an enlightening Marine Life Lecture Hall. Explore exhibits from numerous island countries and indulge in the refreshing taste of craft beer.

This exhibition promises laughter, surprises, and passion for all attendees with DJ music keeping the exhibition open till 8 pm daily. Whether you’re an island tourism enthusiast, water sports lover, or diving explorer, there’s something for everyone. Stay tuned for more updates on event schedules, exhibitor information, and interactive sessions on our page. Let’s countdown to this summer carnival together!

Watch the highlight video of the 30th Anniversary Pearl Jubilee Edition of ADEX Ocean Festival 2024, held at Suntec, Singapore from April 12-14, 2024.

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Showcase the latest products to the diving industry and community. Brands are recommended to capitalise on this platform to feature the latest gadgets or technological advent to greater product awareness and brand positioning

Gain additional exposure for your products and services by offering exciting prizes for our three-day giveaway to all ADEX visitors

The BlueGreen360º Awards celebrates businesses and individuals that are pioneers in implementing sustainable solutions in their work and making a positive impact in the communities where they operate!

Exhibitors have the opportunity to present and showcase their latest products or services to a convened group of key decision-makers and business owners. An opportune platform for business to business exchanges and growth.

We provide a wide range of activities, competitions, and art and craft for children to learn about conservation and to celebrate the ocean

ADEX not only supports the diving community but all sports and skills related to the ocean. Visitors are treated to an array of watersport presentations and tryouts at the pool.

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Visitors can get their hands on the latest books from internationally renowned writers and underwater photographers. Presentations from the authors are followed by a book-signing session for interested participants. ADEX works with a wide network of incredibly talented photographers and videographers as well. From extreme explorers to the masters of macro, the image and film festival is a visual showcase of the world below the waves.

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At ADEX, visitors have the unique opportunity to witness mermaids and underwater performers showcase their talents in our dive tank. Children can meet the mermaids and take photos with their favourites!

Be inspired and lured by the artistic creations from the ocean-loving ADEX Ocean artists as they work their magical wonders in the name of art and marine conservation!